
We have two worship services at BCC during the school year.  Our 8:30am service is a more traditional service filled with hymns, prayer and a sermon by Pastor Dan.  Our 10:30am service is complete with more contemporary music, a short kids message, prayer and sermon by Pastor.  We also have nursery care (ages 0-3) and Children's Church (ages 3-8) available during the 10:30am service.  (During the summer months, we have one service at 9:30am. Nursery and Children's Church is also available at this time.)

Services normally last about an hour. The sermons are both expository (scripture text based) and topical yet are practical and relatable.  

Communion is the first Sunday of the month and is open to all.   People are dressed in everything from shirt and tie to jeans.  It doesn't matter how you come, we are just happy you joined us.  

If you are unable to attend, we invite you to watch our weekly sermons available each Sunday at 7am. Click on the "Sermons" tab above to access them via podcast and other social sites. If you would like to receive the weekly announcements, let any one of our church staff or board members know or email us at info@bccwaverly.org . You are also able to scroll to the bottom of this page and complete the form to be added as well. 

Thank you!